Our Muscles provide us with the Power & Strength for movement.
Maintaining Strong muscles has been correlated with longevity and the ability to withstand falls and illness with old age.
At INLIVEN MEDICAL, we aim to assess and help patients build muscle throughout their lifetime and at all ages.

The Tools You Need
We take the time to understand the root of your problem in order to provide the best and most effective treatment.
Personalised and thorough clinical review with our doctor and rehabilitation trainer will help to assess your muscular injuries and form a comprehensive plan for rehabilitation.

Giving your Body what it needs
If you get regular exercise—and especially if you’re an athlete and compete in sporting events—you know that a nutritionally adequate diet and plenty of fluids are important for maximizing your physical performance. But you may wonder if dietary supplements could help you train harder, improve performance, or gain a competitive edge.
Accurate protein supplement with high quality protein as well as collagen supplementation from high grade sources will help in the muscle building process.

Patient-Centred Treatment
The average age of men in Singapore is projected to rise significantly over the next 25 years, with the greatest increase occurring in men > 65 years old.
As this happens, there will be a dramatic increase in age-related health problems too, including cancer, strokes, heart disease and hormone deficiency. Although the health risks associated with age-related hormonal decline in women, termed menopause, have been thoroughly addressed, it has now been shown that hormonal changes in the aging male are associated with significant health problems.
It is natural for men’s testosterone levels to decrease as they get older. Just as women lose their natural levels of Estrogen hormones as they go through menopause, so do men lose their naturally high levels of Testosterone hormone as they age.

A Gude
At INLIVEN MEDICAL, we work with established strength and physical trainers closely to ensure our patients get the best advice and guidance in their strength regime.
All trainers are informed of the patient's condition and medication/ supplements before embarking on a strength training program.